Public Opinion Survey on Youth Addiction Prevention and Overdose

In July 2020, the InnerChange Foundation coordinated a survey to gather opinions from British Columbians about awareness and perceptions about substance use, prevention, and programs targeted for youth. The survey was conducted on a panel generated through random sampling, separated into three age groups: 1) 12-17 years; 2) 18-24 years; 3) 25 years and over. [...]

By |December 8th, 2020|Current, Initiatives, News, Uncategorized|

2020 Vision

In 2020, the InnerChange Foundation is focused on an especially critical challenge: To reduce the risks of problematic substance use for youth. There is an alarmingly high level of overdose deaths among youth in BC, with approximately 20% of overdose cases occurring in youth and young adults under 30. Moreover, fatalities among youth under 18 [...]

By |July 20th, 2020|Current, Initiatives, News|

How Prescription Heroin Helps Our Healthcare System

Late last week Health Canada quietly removed a federal prohibition on prescription heroin. This means hospitals and hospital outreach facilities can once again legally prescribe heroin.  Of course, this can only happen, under controlled settings and with special federal permission, for people in chronic pain and for people with chronic illnesses.  And prescription heroin is [...]

By |September 12th, 2016|News, Successes|

How InnerChange Could Help You Get a Rose

Very few people are willing to admit they have ever watched the TV franchise The Bachelor / Bachelorette, but it remains one of the most popular shows on cable.  The premise is that one person (male or female, depending on the show), is surrounded by a pool of eligible romantic partners whom they try to [...]

By |August 24th, 2016|Current, Initiatives, News|

Addictions and Systems Change – Part 1

Recently  the InnerChange Foundation posted its core beliefs (click here).  Among these is the belief that British Columbia and Canada need access to more and newer addiction treatment and prevention strategies. And, related to this is a desire for addiction services to be more available and effective for a greater number of those who need [...]

By |August 8th, 2016|Current, Initiatives, News|

The Impact of SALOME | Video

SALOME has already been making a difference in the lives of real people with chronic heroin addictions in Vancouver's Downtown East Side (DTES). The research began in 2009 and the results are significant- not just for the DTES but for the province as a whole.

By |July 11th, 2016|Media, News, Successes, Videos|

BC Integrated Youth Services Initiative (BC-IYSI)

The Challenge Limited access to primary care, mental health and substance use services, and social services for youth and young adults (YYA) across BC. The Solution BC Integrated Youth Services Initiative (BC-IYSI) is a network of health services to meet the needs of our youth and young adults. The BC-IYSI will support communities to [...]

By |February 26th, 2016|Current, Initiatives|


The Study to Assess Longer-term Opioid Medication Effectiveness (SALOME) is a clinical trial that tests alternative treatments for people with chronic heroin addiction who are not benefitting sufficiently from current known treatments. SALOME compares two similar medications – diacetylmorphine, the active ingredient of heroin, and HDM. This study will also test if those effectively treated [...]

By |February 23rd, 2016|Initiatives, Successes|