In 2020, the InnerChange Foundation is focused on an especially critical challenge: To reduce the risks of problematic substance use for youth. There is an alarmingly high level of overdose deaths among youth in BC, with approximately 20% of overdose cases occurring in youth and young adults under 30. Moreover, fatalities among youth under 18 are rising. To address this challenge, we plan to develop an online platform to help youth who use substances.
BC Integrated Youth Services Initiative (BC-IYSI)

Our Commitment: $1.5 million
The Challenge
Limited and fragmented access to primary care, mental health and addiction services, and social services for youth and young adults (YYA) across BC.
The Solution
BC Integrated Youth Services Initiative (BC-IYSI) is a network of integrated health services to meet the needs of our youth and young adults. BC-IYSI seeks to improve access to mental health, substance use and primary care for youth and young adults (YYA) across BC. The BC-IYSI will support communities to establish province-wide, youth-friendly, integrated, health and social service storefronts. Provincial online and phone line resources will also be established to strengthen a network of care for young British Columbians and their families.

Succesfully Completed
Our Investment: $998,077
The Challenge
Some individuals with chronic heroin addiction don’t benefit sufficiently from current known treatments.
The Solution
The Study to Assess Long-term Opioid Medication Effectiveness (SALOME) was a clinical trial that tested alternative treatments for those who are not benefitting sufficiently from current known treatments. SALOME compared two similar medications – diacetylmorphine, the active ingredient of heroin, and hydromorphone (HDM). This study also tested if those effectively treated with these two injectable medications could be successfully switched and retained on the oral formulations of the medications. Throughout the treatment period, an interdisciplinary team of physicians, nurses, social workers and counsellors were available to help participants achieve stability in their life, seek employment and find suitable housing.